Breakthrough Tech Profits Joins the Radical Wealth Alliance

As the co-founder of Breakthrough Tech Profits, it has always held a special place in my heart at Investing Daily. When we launched BTP four years ago, it was with the idea that the common thread running through all great growth stocks is leveraging technology to create a competitive advantage. I am proud to report that we have closed out dozens of very profitable trades since then, including many triple-digit gains.

That’s why it now makes sense to me to combine Breakthrough Tech Profits with our newest service, the Radical Wealth Alliance, which focuses on small companies that we believe have huge upside potential since almost all of them employ technology to outperform their peers. In fact, we just issued a Special Report with our first five selections for this portfolio of companies that meet our four requirements:

  • It must be a “disruptor” in a large market with an established incumbent that is vulnerable to attack;
  • It must be nimble enough to capitalize on the opportunity and have the financial flexibility to access the capital markets while investing for growth;
  • It must be “flying below the radar” of the mainstream financial media so that it can establish its position in its market before a lot of other investors become aware of it;
  • It must possess some specific attribute that indicates it is cheap compared to the size of the future market opportunity.

Effective today, as a paid subscriber to Breakthrough Tech Profits you will have unrestricted access to the Radical Wealth Alliance website. You will also be able to access the Breakthrough Tech Profits website for the next ninety days to review past articles and alerts. In addition, you will continue to have access to John Persinos, the Portfolio Manager for Breakthrough Tech Profits, via the Radical Wealth Alliance stock talk feature since he is its Managing Editor.

You do not need to do anything at this time to benefit from the merging of these services. However, if you have any questions about it you can post them to the Stock Talk feature beneath this article, or contact our customer service team for hands-on assistance.

To Your Wealth,

Jim Pearce

Director of Research, Investing Daily

Stock Talk

Maria R

Maria R

Hi Jim
Will the Radical Wealth Alliance follow all the positions in BTP? or will it sell some?

Jim Pearce

Jim Pearce

Hi Maria. The Radical Wealth Alliance portfolio is restricted to small-cap stocks with a market cap between $100 million to $1 billion. Most of the BTP stocks are too big to meet that requirement, so they will not be moved over to RAD. We will continue to update them here on the BTP website over the next three months, and provide guidance as to target sell prices so you will know what to do with them. That said, we are moving one of the small-cap BTP holdings (USAT) over to the RAD portfolio today since it meets all of our requirements.

Martin V

Martin Vetter

Hi Jim,
A follow-on to Maria’s question, and as a WESO member, where would the BTP large cap companies naturally fit in ID’s suite of publications?
Will BTP publications still be available after the 3 months expires?
Thanks, Martin.

John Persinos

John Persinos

Martin: Most BTP stocks sport market caps too large to be transitioned over to RAD. As the three-month period approaches expiration, we will provide target sell prices so you will know what to do with them when BTP is no longer operational.

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