Stock Talk



You guys read that S-4 they released regarding the merger of ETP/SXL? They forecasting ETE will have DCF of $2 in 2019. This takes regard to oil at $50, $55 and $60 for 2017, 18 and 19 with Nat gas at $3 in 2019. These are only estimates but they don't seem pie in the sky by any means. You take 1.1x coverage ratio and we're looking at $1.80 distribution in 2019. That should equate to a $35+ stock price. I'll hold my shares for that potential.

Igor Greenwald

Igor Greenwald

I mean, it would be nice but I’m not going to take any any of Kelcy’s S-4s at face value after the 180-degree ETE pulled on the alleged WMB takeover benefits last year. Is it plausible? Sure. Big question/risk is when will ETP yield come down to make equity financing and ETE IDRs great again.



I think we have a bigly year coming. I don’t think that year is 2017. Either 18 or 19 COULD be a blockbuster where the unit price goes up 70+%. Just my opinion.

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