Sell Tapestry (NYSE: TPR) Call Options for 108% Two-week Gain

Sell to close the November 16, 2018 call on Tapestry (NYSE: TPR) with a strike price of $50 at $2.60 or higher Symbol (TPR181116C50) for a 108% two week gain.

Tapestry (NYSE: TPR), the handbag company formerly known as Coach, has ridden a bull wave since my June 5 recommendation. I still like the stock but when an option more than doubles in less than three weeks it’s time to book the gain.

Stock Talk

Jeff L.

Jeff L.

Sold @ 2.50 per contract and thank you.

Doc B

Doc B

I am new to PCA and have noticed almost all of suggested trades involve options. I do not qualify for a margin account and wonder if this is for me since I cannot trade options. I do have an account from which I trade stocks and I bought 200 shares of TPR. Should they be sold also or just the TPR call options.

Linda McDonough

Linda McDonough

I am suggesting selling the call options only because they rose so much so quickly. I still like the prospects for the stock very much and still have it in the recommended portfolio. This is a common question so I will try to be more clear when recommending a call options sale when I am still bullish on the stock.

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