TGT Stop Price Raised to $60

As I expected, Target (NYSE: TGT) has run up in value after a stronger than expected Black Friday/Cyber Monday sales period. Yesterday, TGT gained nearly 9% and is up another 1% this morning, crossing above my target price of $63. For that reason, I am raising the stop price to $60 to ensure that we keep most of this very fast gain. The retail sector is on a roll but is also quite volatile and subject to wide swings based on perception as much as reality, so the past week’s price action could quickly reverse.

NOTE: Unlike my stop-loss orders (stock sold at a loss) that are only effective at the closing price, a stop order (stock sold at a gain) is effective throughout the trading day and can be exercised at any time the stock trades down to that price.

Stock Talk

Roger Dehring

Roger Dehring

Good morning, Jim,

I had bought a JAN/APR 60/55 diagonal. Thanks for the heads up, just rolled the JAN 60 calls to APR 60 for +$1.44. That puts my total cost in this trade at $2.37 ($3.81-$1.44). When I can get close to $5.00 out of this trade, I will exit.

Thanks and have a wonderful weekend!

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