Take the Call on Paypal

Buy to open the February 17, 2017 call on Paypal Holdings (PYPL) with a strike price of $41.00 at $1.32 or lower. Symbol (PYPL170217C41)

I expect 2017 to be the year when digital wallets gain traction as payment services partner to consolidate volume. Paypal Holdings is at the epicenter of digital payments. The spin off from Ebay spent the bulk of 2016 fostering relationships with Visa and Mastercard to make its payment system ubiquitous online and in stores.

Paypal’s recent agreements with Mastercard and Visa spooked investors because they feared a drop in profitability due to sharing transaction fees with these credit processing agencies. If management expectations prove correct, higher volume will compensate for the small fee required to share the same payment network as these goliaths.

Paypal’s Venmo service, which facilitates person to person digital payments, has been exploding and is becoming the standard for digital transfers between bank accounts. Although Venmo accounts for just a fraction of Paypal’s revenue base I expect the company to provide more details on its usage growth and its plan to capitalize on its volume.

Paypal’s fourth quarter call is not scheduled yet but typically occurs in the last week of January. The February 17 expiration should capture any move from the earnings call.

Stock Talk



I gladly use PAYPAL and it makes sense to buy the stock!!

Derek: Las Vegas, NV

Derek: Las Vegas, NV

Management guides revenue to lower end of Q1 and FY17 consensus. PYPL after hours drops, currently down 2.42%.


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Hi Derek,

Linda McDonough

Linda McDonough

Derek and all-
Please see the note I just posted on PYPL. I am a bit mystified by the weakness. PayPal is not a super expensive stock and the metrics looked strong to me. I found management’s tone to be even more optimistic than usual. That said, options lose value as they get closer to expiration so I’m keeping a close eye on this.
I was reacquainted with PYPL when I recently started using Venmo to transfer money to friends splitting restaurant bills, etc.



Hello Linda,
Is it to late to jump on board with PYPL buy to open on Call. For Feb. 17 ??

Thank you so much



Hello Linda,

I am a member of Options for income with Jim Fink. I noticed you trade both stocks and options. I know Jim’s strategy differs in as much as he uses credit spreads etc. Am I better off just sticking with one subscription ? Looks like Id get everything right here,



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