Drug Stocks Get Well in 2018 – Buy Calls on These Three

The Trades

Buy to open the April 20, 2018 call on Bioverativ (NSDQ: BIVV) with a strike price of $55 at $3.85 or lower. Symbol (BIVV180420C55)

Buy to open the March 16, 2018 call on Celgene (NSDQ: CELG) with a strike price of $110 at $6.35 or lower. Symbol (CELG180316C110)

Buy to open the March 16, 2018 call on Emergent BioSolutions (NSDQ: EBS) with a strike price of $50 at $1.80 or lower. Symbol (EBS180316C50)

*I suggest a $.05-.10 range on the limit prices. Take your time. There is no near-term term event that requires you to enter these trades immediately so you can wade in with half a position today and half later with the hope that prices come down a bit.

The Rationale

Drugs stocks have taken a beating this year and partly for good reason; this is the year that prescription benefit managers woke up to sky-high drug prices and began demanding better terms. Also, many of the mega-cap pharmaceuticals are seeing sales of their largest drugs slow and cannot find acquisitions big enough to move the needle on earnings.

Yet there are signs of good news:

  1. Drug companies with new product launches are becoming increasingly practical about their methodology about choosing drug prices. Companies that are able to preserve pricing and grow earnings via higher volume of drugs versus increased prices, should trade higher.
  2. Valuations on many drug stocks have fallen to levels that do not reflect earnings momentum.
  3. In a perverse way, the massive antitrust review of the proposed $69 billion Aetna/CVS deal may slow pricing pressure on drug companies as management’s focus shifts to getting the deal approved.

The three drug stocks that I have chosen all trade at P/Es (price to earnings ratios) that are less than their earnings growth rates:

  1. 2018 earnings estimate for each of them has risen in the past 6 months.
  2. Each one generates positive cash flow and is profitable.
  3. Each one’s lead product shows signs of momentum.

Bioverative (NSDQ: BIVV) isn’t a household name but it’s linked to one of the biggest biotech companies in the world. It was spun out of Biogen (NSDQ: BIIB) last winter. Its focus is on the hemophilia market, where its two drugs, Eloctate and Alprolx, are gaining share. As preventative drugs, usage is significantly greater than for treatment options already on the market.

News of a failed Crohn’s Disease product trial clobbered Celgene’s (NSDQ: CELG) stock in October. Favorable news from one of its early stage cancer treatments at a recent industry event and better than expected results of its Abraxane drug in breast cancer patients should move the stock higher.

Emergent BioSolutions (NSDQ: EBS) develops vaccines and antidotes for public health concerns. For example, it recently won a $63 million award from an antidote spray for suspected cyanide poisoning. Government contract bureaucracy limits competition.

Stock Talk



Filled BIVV and CELG at recommended limits.

Still waiting on EBS to fill.

William Stefanelli

William Stefanelli

Hi, I just joined PCA today and have the 3 trades simmering. Put CELG limit @ 5.70 since its dropped today.

Tom B

Tom B

Here is another way to trade these three ideas:
I’ve always been averse to going long calls, paying large premiums for out of the money calls is hard for me to do. Instead I just executed the following three put credit spreads:
EBS long March 40 puts and short 45 puts for a $1.67 credit
BIVV long April 45 puts and short 50 puts for a $1.335 credit
CELG long March 100 puts and short 105 puts for a $1.7055 credit
All three offered very attractive credits.
While I have capped my maximum potential gain, I have also capped my maximum potential loss. If all three stocks just stay where they are, I keep all of the credits.

Derek Myers

Derek: Las Vegas, NV

Hi Linda,

BTO: APR 20 $55 Call
STO: JAN 19 $55 Call
ND: $2.28

BTO: MAR 16 $110 Call
STO: JAN 19 $115 Call
ND: $4.45

BTO: MAR 16 $50 Call
STO: JAN 19 $50 Call
ND: $1.43




CELG filled @ $5.60 this morning



Hi Linda, CELG filled @5:80 and BIVV @ $3.80
Should we put in a sell to close with some price point for these?

Derek Myers

Derek: Las Vegas, NV

No, Linda will send an alert when she feels it’s time to sell.


Linda McDonough

Linda McDonough

Derek is correct. There are times when I suggest selling the options very quickly if they run up. However, I expect the stocks to do well for several weeks so unless we see a big pop, I suspect we’ll own these for a bit.

Tim Lewis

Tim Lewis

Tom B and Derek, I just caught the beauty of what you are stating.. I’m new to this forum, but have been with OFI for a while.. I absolutely love the different strategies about playing these trades.. Both of you have given me ideas that I will consider going forward in what I can do with trades considering both of your statements. The more that I make different trades; the more comfortable I become. I have used my own tools to evaluate your positions (statements) and it has vastly expanded my considerations (Unlike the OFI forum -JDWJS) . We all have to accept our own risks, but there is still so much for people like myself to consider when making any trade. Just saying -I _LOVE_ OFI, but need more!

Derek Myers

Derek: Las Vegas, NV

Awesome, great to hear Tim… And welcome to PCA!

The truth of the matter is, is that there’s dozens of strategies that work with options. Here’s a great website to learn some of them, http://www.optionseducation.org.


Derek Myers

Derek: Las Vegas, NV

For those who also subscribe to “The Complete Investor”, Scott Chan and Stephen Leeb posted a short article today on BIVV…





CELG is on sale this morning.



Hi Linda,

Much time has passed since this alert. The EBS Call Option is hovering around $1.80 again. I joined the service a little after this alert and couldn’t purchase the call then because it had risen to over $2. What are your thoughts on this call at this time? Would it be a good idea to get in now?

Thank you!

Linda McDonough

Linda McDonough

Hi Ajax,
I do like the EBS calls around this level. I usually suggest a $.05-.10 range on the price limits given for an options trade. Many of these have super wide spreads so it can be tricky to call the price limit perfectly. They don’t expire until March so still have some time for the stock to move higher.

Roger Dehring

Roger Dehring

Good morning, Linda,

When I did my EBS trade, I bought MAR3 50/55 calls for a net debit of -$1.24. Just took half my position off the table for a net price of +$1.85…or nearly a quick 50% gain.

Will now sit back to see if EBS will give us another nice bump from earnings next month. Thanks for what is shaping up as another nice trade, Linda!

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