Portfolio Options

Stock Talk



Linda: I'm a recent subscriber and interested in mainly options. I followed your GPS recommendation and bought calls. I have an open order for PRAH, too, but the current $ is over the limit and I will not buy over your limit price. I also see CHD and BGFV in the portfolio, with the current stock prices being far OTM and having four (4) trading weeks to go, would you recommend avoiding those trades for now? A better way to ask is whether those options would be GREEN "Buys" if listed under your stock portfolio? May I respectfully request you add the color scheme to your options so we know whether you maintain the recommendation to buy – or not? Given the volatility of options, this may be impractical – but I thought I'd ask. Much appreciated! John

Linda McDonough

Linda McDonough

Hi John,
Thanks for the question- it’s a good one. Unfortunately, BGFV and CHD moved in the wrong direction almost immediately after purchase. This was particularly frustrating with BGFV as it reported a terrific quarter. I also received the bearish news I was hoping for on CHD but the stock has levitated on take-out speculation. I think the move to the strike prices is too large to purchase these options at this point as neither one has a fundamental event coming up.
GPS is a little more interesting. Although GPS does not report monthly comps anymore, it may move up with the group as we get closer to its August earnings report. I like this one best at these levels.
I am working diligently to get some new options trades on the board so keep your eyes peeled.

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