
Stock Talk

Debra Jackson

Debra Jackson

I am a new member and I noticed all your trades this week were option trades. I have never traded options and I'm not really comfortable with trading options. Is that the only way to really make any money with this Alert System? How often on average do you have stock trades? Thanks

Linda McDonough

Linda McDonough

Absolutely! The options trades flurry last week is due to closing out one trade and then rolling into a future options series in another.
I usually include an options trade when I recommend a stock as some subscribers like to trade options also. You will see some put option trades this morning. Buying put options is the way that I suggest trading any bearish scenarios that I find.
That said, there is plenty I am bullish on and I am putting the finishing touches on some new traditional long stock recommendations this week. You can also see from the Portfolio, there are many stocks I’ve recommended in the past that are still viable purchases as they are trading below my buy limit recommendations. These are the stocks with the green BUY button.

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