Crypto’s Re-Accumulation Phase; Plus, “SBF” Faces The Music

The crypto market kicked off 2024 with a bang. The entire market has gone berserk, from Bitcoin (BTC) to artificial intelligence-linked assets, to memecoins.

The current run really started in the fall of 2023, but kicked into hyperdrive in January of this year. Crypto prices were climbing without hesitation or pullbacks in price. Crypto typically tends to have large dips in price on the climb towards new highs.

You’ve probably seen the graph below from Rekt Capital many times before in this service, but it is important to remember. Bitcoin, and the larger crypto market, tend to have five or more dips of more than 30% on their way to new highs.

That’s why it was so surprising when crypto prices started climbing last fall and didn’t look back or hesitate at all…until just now. This type of price climb without any retracements is only seen at the beginning of a bull run. The magnitude and speed of this most recent run in prices has me even more confident that we are on the precipice of a major bull run that could make 2020 – 2021 look small in comparison.

The Takeaway: We’re witnessing a secular bull run in crypto that you don’t want to miss.

If you’ve been sitting on the sidelines and hearing about other people making incredible gains with crypto, this is your chance to get in on the action.

Time to Re-Accumulate

After months of a sustained upward trajectory for Bitcoin and the majority of the crypto market, Bitcoin is undergoing its first meaningful pullback. The price of BTC began to fall about two weeks ago. Although we didn’t get the pullback of about 30% many were predicting, BTC came down a modest 16% from its highs.

Since then prices have been trading in a tight range. The current price action is showing all the signs that we are currently in the “re-accumulation” phase. This is a market phase whereby investors rebalance their portfolios and re-accumulate crypto positions for the next big leg of the bull market. We look for these re-accumulation phases, because they are excellent opportunities to either add to our open positions or enter new trades.

If you missed out on the first scorching leg of the bull market, which many did, don’t fear. This is your chance to enter the market at decent prices before things get crazy. And boy do I think this bull run could get crazy, based on just how great the first leg was.

Scam Bankrupt-Fraud

Now onto a different and much darker topic. Sam Bankman-Fried was finally sentenced on Thursday in his trial related to the massive FTX fraud that highlighted (lowlighted?) the most recent crypto bear market.

You probably remember hearing about the crypto boy-wonder SBF and his shocking rise to billionaire status as the founder of the now-defunct crypto exchange FTX.

SBF was the hottest sensation of the last bull market and even filmed commercials and partnered with celebs like Tom Brady. SBF would go on to make massive political donations and become the second-largest Democrat donor in the last midterm elections.

It turns out that his entire crypto conglomerate was operating under very fraudulent accounting. The downfall of FTX took out many other players in the crypto industry and triggered the final leg lower in the last crypto bear market.

Justice was finally served on March 28, when Bankman-Fried was sentenced to a hefty 25-year prison term. This goes to show that nobody in this industry is above the law and crypto is not the wild west.

You’ve probably seen headlines that allege massive fraud and rampant scams in crypto. Those articles are always exaggerated and are usually biased against crypto in general. That said, crypto has its fair share of scams and criminality. For a newcomer, navigating the crypto landscape can seem like a daunting task. You need expert guidance. That’s where I come in.

I have seven years of experience dealing in crypto using numerous exchanges, both centralized and decentralized. I’ve explored the many different possibilities using DeFi, minting NFTs, buying unknown small cryptos, and emerged unscathed. I’m here to be your guide to the turbulent waters of the cryptocurrency world.

Shh! Let me tell you a little secret. I have more coming for you in the weeks to come. Those of you who are interested in taking a deeper dive into the world of cryptocurrency and don’t want to miss out on this next big bull market are in luck. I’m cooking up something very special for those of you interested in taking the plunge. Keep your eyes peeled for more in the weeks to come.

Before you go, I want to hear from you. If you have any questions or feedback, you can reach me at

Have a great weekend!
