Sell Express

We are selling Express (NYSE: EXPR) out of the Growth Stock Strategist portfolio. The shriveling of mall traffic matched with a poor quarter of merchandising demolished estimates for the year. Earnings for this year are now $.98 versus $1.48 when we first initiated it with a buy. I don’t see the stock going much lower, but the turnaround will take much longer than expected. If you already own this stock, I would recommend a $10.50 stop loss.

Stock Talk



Hi Linda & Robert – I am confused. Are you suggesting we sell EXPR or that we put on a $10.50 stop loss and let it ride for a while. Thanks in advance for your continued assistance. Howie

Linda McDonough

Linda McDonough

Sorry for the confusion. I have sold it out of the Growth Stock portfolio but think it will creep up from here. If you own it, as I believe you do, I would use the $10.50 stop loss on the current position. The company is still earning money and trades a reasonable valuation. I just don’t see a huge improvement in the fundamentals near term. Linda

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