Global Investment Strategist Becomes Global Income Edge

As Editorial Director for Investing Daily it is my pleasure to introduce you to two valuable additions to the Global Investment Strategist team: Richard Stavros and Bob Frick. Richard will serve as Chief Investment Strategist, while Bob will serve as Managing Editor. Ben Shepherd will continue to cover exciting opportunities and foreign markets as he has for the past two years.

We are making this enhancement to our global stock market coverage in response to overwhelming demand from our readers for higher dividend yields. We understand this demand given interest rates in the United States are near historic lows and bonds are simply not providing enough income for retirees and other investors in need of reliable cash flow. Richard and Bob will be using a rigorous screening tools and analysis to identify only those stocks from the U.S. and other countries that pass all of their tests for safety and high income. They will explain in more detail in your next issue, which will arrive next week.

One more quick note: to bring this service in line with our other global publications, Australian Edge and Canadian Edge, we are changing its name to Global Income Edge to better describe its mission. The name of our weekly publication will also change to “Income Without Borders,” replacing “Passport to Profits,” so please look for it in your inbox.

I think you will be very pleased with these improvements and look forward to hearing thoughts or suggestions you may have regarding them by posting to the Stock Talk feature below this article. Thank you.

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