
Stock Talk



What is happening to Peyto? It's been going down even though natgas has been rising? Do they have an operational problem? Is this an opportunity to buy or should I sell?

Robert Rapier

Robert Rapier

Hi Peter,

Cash from operations has increased for the past two quarters, but they have also substantially boosted capital expenditures as natural gas prices have bounced back. Peyto is one of the lowest-cost producers out there, but they suffered from overall negative sentiment over the energy sector. It’s amazing that natural gas prices are 50% higher than they were a year ago, but you can buy Peyto for less than you could a year ago. It’s not alone; there are many quality companies that fall into that category. I am not aware of any production problems. Their production has increased for seven straight years, and set a new all-time high in 2016. I think it’s a steal at this price myself. I certainly would not sell here, because the fundamentals all look solid.

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