Buy Under Pricing

Stock Talk



In reviewing your initial portfolio there does not seem to be any buy below prices, just an indication to buy. That is unusual for most advisement services. It is useful information as not all purchases are made the day of initial recommendation. It can be an indication of whether or not a particular security is still worthy of consideration for addition. Are there any plans to add this information.

Igor Greenwald

Igor Greenwald

I really have a thing about buy limits. I think they convey no useful information and an unrealistic degree of certainty. I also suspect they’re a holdover from the days when research took days to be printed and days more to be be distributed by U.S. mail, risking the possibility that someone might buy something that’s run up in the meantime. So, say I were setting a buy limit today for Microsoft, now trading for a bit less than $70 per share. What should the limit be? If anyone can claim today to know with useful precision at what price in the future Microsoft might not be a buy, without reference to all manner of future events and feedback loops, they’re lying. How do these limits get set at other services and sellside brokerages? Well, if you like something you set it 15-25% higher to denote the likelihood of a capital gain, but nothing too extreme, you understand. Then, if the stock rallies, you raise the limit, And if it drops, you lower it not to look dumb. Here, if Microsoft ever stops looking like it’s worth buying, I will not only alert you immediately by email but explain my reasons for the downgrade as soon as possible. And I will do that regardless of what the buy limit might have been five minutes earlier. I’m open to your thoughts on the question as to what the real utility of this device is beyond a false pretense at confidence, but I just don’t see it right now and never have.



Also you don’t give us the entry date and prices. This means: you never know what gains or losses you made and new subscribers are not able to see your success or failure. At least an entry date, entry price and a return of invest should be given.

Igor Greenwald

Igor Greenwald

I agree. We didn’t have that until now because I needed to set the initial prices. That’s done now; all trades are as of the May 24 market open.

Igor Greenwald

Igor Greenwald

I think you will find that I’m happy to be accountable for all my recommendations, successful and less so.

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