Portfolio Data

Stock Talk

Bob Cecchini

Bob Cecchini

I love the new choices in the portfolio, but I would like to see you add fields for Best Buys, Buy Limit and a Where Held field (taxable or tax-advantaged account). Also, do you intend to separate the choices by Income and Growth or will it stay in one portfolio? Personally, I think that separate portfolios would help the investor make selections more appropriate to their objectives.

Thank you,

Igor Greenwald

Igor Greenwald

I appreciate your concerns, Bob. There’s a conscious effort company-wide to make the portfolio tables as simple as possible, but we’ll talk it over again. I don’t think we’re going to sort them into Income and Growth, because the entire portfolio is dedicated to income and these categories are not very precise or, I think, ultimately useful. As for Best Buys, please accept this as a reasonable current facsimile: https://www.investingdaily.com/income-millionaire/articles/38286/nothing-but-the-best-for-mom/

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