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Will you please make it a point to have Robert comment on the sand frackers which have been getting crushed lately. He stated he purchased SND at around $13 for his personal portfolio last month and it's now half of that. I can't make chat so it's very important to get some info on SND and FMSA. I look forward to reading the archives. Thank you

Igor Greenwald

Igor Greenwald

Robert did address SND during the chat (https://www.investingdaily.com/income-millionaire/chats/38782/72517im-energy-chat) but let me know if you’re still looking for more info, and if so what in particular, please.



I would like to see you make it easier to find archived chats, why not have a link directly under the alert category?

Igor Greenwald

Igor Greenwald

This is already happening but at the link that announced the chat in the first place. For instance, the latest chat’s transcript is here: https://www.investingdaily.com/income-millionaire/chats/38782/72517im-energy-chat

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