
Stock Talk

Robert 111

Robert 111

STX took a 15% dive today. Most of their income comes from PC drives and this income has dropped. CEO was kicked upstairs and the COO was made CEO. Doesn't look good but there is not much we can do at this point except hope for a bounce. Western Digital seems much stronger.

Igor Greenwald

Igor Greenwald

Fair analysis, I’ll have more on STX very shortly

Robert 111

Robert 111

How do we keep track of overall performance of the portfolio? STX has disappeared from the portfolio as though it never existed. We haven’t had a chance to sell until tomorrow so we don’t even know the magnitude of the loss at this point. Will there be quarterly and yearly summaries of the total activity of the portfolio?

Igor Greenwald

Igor Greenwald

You should see a Closed Trade tab pop up shortly. Since this was the first portfolio sale I had to get a programmer to flip a switch, it turns out. For the record, the loss was 24% after accounting for the collected quartely dividend. I should also note that every subscriber should have received email notification about the sell alert, as with every newsletter post. I will review performance of the recommended trades at the end of every year. Any more often and I would risk giving the impression that the composite record in any given quarter or year is an accurate approximation of my value added. I aim to provide useful research and context even when the trades based on that don’t always work out, and obviously there’s a lot of luck involved in these. But you get to decide how useful my research has been relative to all your other inputs, of course. I’m grateful for your interest and custom regardless.

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