limit order

Stock Talk


Vincent Pallozzi

i was trying to buy a put option the limit order july
Sell Open 1 CC Jul 20 '18 $45 Put
Estimated Commission: $7.70 Estimated Proceeds: $4,492.28 is there something wrong it seems like a lot of money of ids it a trade no one will take

Ari Charney

Ari Charney

Hi Vincent,

We don’t buy puts, we sell them. Perhaps that’s what accounts for the information you’re seeing?




Hi Ari,
Thanks, I am looking at your trades and I see all puts what about covered calls. If we end up buying the stock is there going to be any advice on the covered call

Ari Charney

Ari Charney

Hi Vince,

Yes, we will sell covered calls against stocks that we end up owning if the puts we sell expire in the money. Although we haven’t done that yet for any existing trades, there are two trades where we’ll be looking to do that in the next week or so.


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