Stock Talk

Ron Kimbrough

Ron Kimbrough

I'm cleared to trade Options at level 1. Is this going to be good enough for me to participate? Also, I'm not that good at it. Where can I find some training?
Ron Kimbrough

Jim Pearce

Jim Pearce

Hi Ron. I suggest you start out by reviewing our start-up guide under the ‘More’ tab at the top of this page: https://www.investingdaily.com/income-millionaire/reports/41272/the-income-millionaire-start-up-guide/. We also provide a series of brief instructional videos to help you get started: https://www2.investingdaily.com/premium-imi-videotoc/?_ga=2.47768930.494056245.1545855097-37503815.1497448391.

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