Options Training Agenda
Week 1: Introduction & Basic Set-Up
> Session 1 (Tuesday)
- Introduction – How this course will work
- Strategy – Jim Fink’s trading methodology and objectives
- Products – Overview of Options for Income vs. Velocity Trader vs. Jim Fink’s Inner Circle
- Onboarding – How to find and use everything you need on the website
> Session 2 (Thursday)
- Setup – How to select a broker and get proper trade authorization
- Account Management – How to stay informed and manage your trades
Week 2: Core Trading Strategies & Placing Trades
> Session 3 (Tuesday)
- New Trade Alerts – Interpretation and how to place trades
- Types of Spreads (Part 1) – Introduction to credit spreads & iron condors
> Session 4 (Thursday)
- Types of Spreads (Part 2) – Introduction to debit spreads
- Rolls Explained – Why and how to use them to win more than 80% of the time
Week 3: Advanced Topics & Review
> Session 5 (Tuesday)
- Exercise/Assignments – How to handle them and reduce your risk
- Placeholder Trades – Purpose and how to make them
- Stock vs Spreads Comparison – Analyzing advantages and disadvantages
> Session 6 (Thursday)
- Capital Requirements – Suggested capital requirements and management techniques
- Performance Review – Evaluating past trades and assessing goals
- Closing Q&A and Future opportunities
Also, we encourage you to ask any follow-up questions you have, either during or after the training sessions, in the New Members section of Stock Talk:
- Login to the website you subscribe to
- Click on Forum in the top navigation bar
- Click on the New Members section of the Forum
- Click on the conversation titled with the month of your training class
- Click the Start New Discussion button to ask your question
In that same Forum conversation, you will also find links to the recordings of each session.