Options Close Alert: Hanesbrands (HBI)


Date: June 22, 2018
Name: Hanesbrands
Symbol (Exchange): HBI (NYSE)
Type: Sell call option to close
Expiration: October 19, 2018
Strike Price: 18.00
Symbol: HBI181019C00018000


I know it’s been less than three weeks since I opened this position, but since we achieved our target gain of 200% I am closing out the option portion of this trade and booking the profit. If you choose to leave it open, I suggest using a trailing stop order to protect most of your gain.

I am leaving the equity half of this trade open since it has not yet reached our target sell price of $23.25. At the rate HBI is appreciating, it may not be long until we close out that half of this trade and I will issue another alert when that happens.

Stock Talk

Maria R

Maria R

sold for 4.30 Thanks

C.B. Cessna


HBI sold for 4.26 on TOS Thank You very much



HBI sold @ $4.30 at Fidelity.
160% gain in less than 3 weeks!

Michael D

Michael D

sold 4 of 5 contracts.

Jeffrey J

Jeffrey J

Sold for $4.25 at TradeStation.

Janis Bell

Janis Bell

Sold at $4.20, made a nice profit but nowhere near your 200% even though I bought way under your cut-off. When you post these alerts can you present the range from whatever your position cost was (I know you don’t want to share that info) to the lowest amount at the price of your “Buy Below”. I’ll really appreciate that.

Jim Pearce

Jim Pearce

I don’t mind sharing our cost basis information. At the time this buy alert was published (https://www.investingdaily.com/systematic-wealth/alerts/42289/buy-alert-hanesbrands-hbi-2), the option was trading at $1.40. When I published the sell alert this morning, the most recent trade was at $4.40 resulting in a gain of 203%. However, if you paid the maximum buy limit for this option of $1.70, then your sell price of $4.20 would result in a gain of 147%.

Guest User

Guest User

Hi Jim,

Thank you for explaining your math. I got in at $1.65 and was trying to calculate the profit spread from the $1.70 max in the alert. Agree with others, thanks – nice profit. I was in meetings all day Friday so I wasn’t able to close-out yet, I’ll have to see what Monday morning brings. Just finished my first year with SW, great experience – You made my renewal a no brainer.

George McMillion

George McMillion

Sold at $4.20 on TDA

Thank you

Pierce I.


Sold at $4.30 on TDA. THANKS Jim.



I didn’t get nice profit like 200%. But that’s cuz I had to close out position earlier this week due to margin constraints. Still made about 90%.

Thanks Jim! Have a great weekend!!! It was good profit day with some of the other services (OFI, VT) as well.

Daniel Long

Daniel Long

Sold HBI for 18.76. Orig buy 27.25.
Loss 11%.

Daniel Long

Daniel Long

Sorry. Sold HRB for 11% loss, not HBI. Got small gain on HBI.

Daniel Long

Daniel Long

Sold HBI for slight gain.

Jim Pearce

Jim Pearce

Not quite sure I understand the math in your previous message, but glad to know it worked out to a gain!

Daniel Long

Daniel Long

Sorry. See above. Slight gain on HBI, and 11% loss on HRB.

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