Igor Greenwald

Igor Greenwald is chief investment strategist of Breakthrough Technology Profits and Income Millionaire.

Igor served as a financial columnist and has also worked as a newspaper editor, foreign correspondent and online producer. He was born in Ukraine, educated at Georgetown University and lives in Massachusetts.

Analyst Articles

Oil just doesn’t get enough respect. We still can’t do without it, and recent prices would have been considered unaffordable in a healthier economic climate just a few years ago. But there’s lots of crude in storage and the price action has not wowed anyone of late in… Read More

In this issue:  Predictions of an oil bust have become all the rage, spurred by increasing production from newly exploited shale resources in Texas and North Dakota as well as the growing glut of US inventories. We examine the available evidence. We also check in on the… Read More

In this issue: It can be terrifying to buy stocks that have already enjoyed a huge run, and this week we address the issue head-on after a reader questioned recent portfolio selections. We’ll also discuss the hottest new US shale plays as well as several new technologies, some promising… Read More